camp hulu cai

Kang Japra
Local Guide

Camp Hulu Cai Bogor Hari Ini

Ngapain Dirumah aja, Ayo tamasya ke Camp Hulu Cai Bogor! kan udah disuntik Vaksin Covid19 ?!. Kata Pa Gubernur Jawa Barat yang terpampang di Baligho-Baligho ; "TEU VAKSIN TEU ULIN"( Ngga divaksin ga bisa piknik), kan kita mah udah 3 kali. Cayo Piknik, Guys... !!!

Camp Hulu Cai, sebuah lokasi hunian resort natural cozy yang memiliki luas area kurang lebih 25 hektar yang terbagi di 2 wilayah yaitu di wilayah Babakan dan Cibedug. Beralamat lengkap di Jl. Veteran III, Cibedug, Kec. Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat Indonesia, destinasi wisata ini menyajikan landskap perkampungan menawan dipadu dengan struktur eksterior dan interior modern membuat siapapun betah tinggal disana. Cocok untuk yang bawa anak-anak dan suka dengan arena terbuka hijau. Suasana sangat asri dan sejuk dengan pemandangan gunung Salak dan Gunung Gede Pangrango. Lebih Cocok lagi untuk Grup kecil, menengah, dan besar seperti Family Gathering, Company Gathering, Business Meeting, Arisan Kelompok Ibu-Ibu/Tante-Tante/Mba-Mba Milenial nan kekinian, Club Social Gathering, dll.

camp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogorcamp hulu cai bogor

Camp Hulu Cai Bogor menawarkan hunian resort modern ditengah nuansa perkampungan asri nan segar. Kawasan wisata ini melengkapi diri dengan fasilitas lain yang bisa memanjakan penghuni untuk tinggal lebih lama didalamnya.

Dikarenakan area Camp Hulu Cai ini sangat luas, bagi tamu menginap dan yang survey ingin mengelilingi kawasan disarankan untuk tidak berjalan kaki. "Cape Ntar Lu pade!". Untuk hal ini pihak management pengeolola menyediakan angkutan kendaraan roda 4 khusus bagi tamu agar dapat menikmati pesona dan keseluruhan nuansa Camp Hulu Cai. Kendaraannya hampir hampir dengan Mobil Ontang-Anting nya Kawah Putih Ciwidey.


Camp Hulu Cai menyediakan fasilitas wisata lengkap dari mulai Wisata Menginap type Villa, Rooms, Camping, dan Cabin, Wisata Kuliner Restoran dan Cafe dengan aroma dan rasa masakan yang lezat banget, rekreasi reguler, Tempat Meeting berkapasitas besar >500 orang, Lapangan Terbuka hijau, dan Atraksi Permainan yang bisa dinikmati oleh segala usia kecuali bayi.

Tamu reguler harian yang tidak menginap atau hanya sekedar piknik one day trip menikmati suasana dan fasilitas di Wisata di Camp Hulu Cai ini cukup membayar tiket masuk seharga Rp.30.000/orang berlaku untuk 5 tahun ke-atas, Parkir Mobil Rp.10.000 dan Parkir Motor Rp. 5.000 saja.

Atraksi wisata yang bisa dinikmati oleh Wisatawan reguler disini itu banyak. Selain ber-Fhoto Selfy riang gembira untukmemenuhi page instagram dan tiktok masing-masing, pengjunjung juga dapat menikmati arean permainan lainnya seperti :

  1. Flying Fox : Rp.50.000
  2. Mini Rafting: Rp.50.000
  3. Archery (panahan): Rp.50.000
  4. Cargo Net: Rp.35.000
  5. Rapeling: Rp.35.000
  6. Wall Climbing: Rp.35.000
  7. Rakit Race: Rp.35.000
  8. Dance With Drum: Rp.35.000
  9. Elvis Walk: Rp.35.000
  10. Sepeda: Rp.25.000

Dan buat anak-anak, mereka juga dapat bermain dan bergembira di beberapa fasilitas KIDS ZONE yang disediakan disini, seperti :

  1. kids Flying Fox: Rp.35.000
  2. Berkuda: Rp.25.000
  3. Trampolin: Rp.25.000

Paket Grup Retail

Untuk Kaum Milenial dari Company atau Club Grouping yang biasa melakukan event gathering nya baik tahunan atau pun bulanan, biar lebih gampang dan ngga ribet, disarankan untuk mengambil paket grup aja.

FUN GAMES150.000Ice Breaking, 4 grup Games, Min.20 pax
TEAM BUILDING250.000Ice Breaking, 4 grup Games, DeBrief, Laporan Kelompok, Min.20 pax
HI-KANG150.000Ice Breaking, 4 grup Games, DeBrief, Laporan Kelompok, Min.20 pax
PAINT BALL175.00040 Peluru, Min.20 pax
RAFTING SUNGAI CISADANE250.00011 Km Pengarungan saungai Cisadane, Local Transfort PP, Snack, Min.20 Pax
BEDAH BALONG150.000Ice Breaking, 4 grup Games, Min.20 pax
PRE WEDDING850.000Tiket masuk 4 pax, Lunch Nasi Goreng, Changging Room (3 Hours; 9-12), Photo Shot
camp hulu cai bogor paket fullboard


Penginapan di Camp Hulu Cai ini sangat banyak type yang disediakannya dari mulai yang kapasitas 2 orang sampai 40 orang. Akomodasi untuk menginap di Camp Hulu Cai, yaitu VILLA, ROOMS, CABIN, & CAMPING.. Pada setiap type penginapan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas:

  • - Water heater
  • - Selimut
  • - Bantal
  • - Coffee Maker
  • - Air Mineral
  • - Toileter
  • - Balkon

Fasilitas lain di sekitar area penginapan :

  1. Resto
  2. Cafe
  3. Area Outbound
  4. Flying Fox
  5. Kolam Renang
  6. Mini Rafting
  7. dll

1. Akomodasi

ZAITUNBreakfast 9 paxRp.7.000.000
Jacuzzi, Karaoke
Towel, Amenities
Private Pool
BEGONIABreakfast 6 paxRp.4.000.000
Towel, Amenities
RANDUBreakfast 6 paxRp.4.000.000
Towel, Amenities
MANGGABreakfast 4 paxRp.3.500.000
Towel, Amenities
HAURBreakfast 4 paxRp.3.500.000
Towel, Amenities

EXECUTIVEBreakfast UNTUK 2 pax, Towel, Mineral Water, AmenitiesRp.900.000

Tenda BesarBreakfast untuk 4 pax, Matras, Bed, SelimutRp.400.000
Tenda KecilBreakfast untuk 2 pax, Matras, Bed, SelimutRp.300.000

JUMBOBreakfast untuk 40 pax, Towel,AmenitiesRp.4.000.000
LARGEBreakfast untuk 28 pax, Towel,AmenitiesRp.3.500.000
MEDIUMBreakfast untuk 20 pax, Towel,AmenitiesRp.2.500.000
DesemberORBreakfast untuk 10 pax, Towel,AmenitiesRp.1.500.000

2. Meeting Room

*Sewa Berlaku untuk 8 jam, Harga sudah termasuk Sound System & Infocus

FUNCTION ROOMSizeTheatreClassroomUshapeRound tableHarga
MAHABBAH MAIN HALL30x20 M660 pax300 pax102 pax426 paxRp. 30.000.000
MAHABBAH PARTISI10x20 M220 pax220 pax34 pax142 paxRp. 10.000.000
BALE SAWO19,92x9,88 M210 pax98 pax33 pax140 paxRp. 5.000.000
BALE NEGLA19,79x9,86 M215 pax98 pax33 pax139 paxRp. 5.000.000
BALE RANCAGE11,39x6,9 M86 pax39 pax13 pax56 paxRp. 3.000.000
TENDA PELANA9,72x7,75 M83 pax38 pax13 pax53 paxRp. 2.000.000
ARUNAYA (AMPHY)12x25 M330 pax---Rp. 10.000.000
AMPHY PINUS9,45x18,55 M193 pax---Rp. 3.000.000

3. Saung / Gazebo

*Sewa Berlaku untuk 8 jam

Resto Bambu5.000.000
Saung Negla5.000.000
Beranda Chery3.000.000
Beranda Lengkeng3.000.000
Saung Pakis3.000.000
Halimun Bawah3.000.000
saung Ijo3.000.000
saung Sawo2.500.000
Saung Paniisan2.500.000
Saung Panjang2.500.000
Saung Munggaran1.500.000
Saung Rineh1.500.000

Meeting Facilities
Infocus + Screen Portable300.000
Screen Portable100.000
Flipchart Paper refill75.000
Air MIneral 330ml5.000
Mini Garden500.000
Organ Tunggal3.000.000
Kambing Guling2.500.000
Karaoke Portable350.000
Sound Sytem Standar1.000.000
Electricity Charge350.000
Electricity Charge (Full Band)500.000
Instruktur Senam850.000
Mini Stage500.000
ExtraBed Breakfast150.000
Loss Charge Towel250.000
Camping Stuff
Api Unggun250.000
Alat BBQ Portable250.000
Charge Tenda250.000
Emergency Lamp20.000
Dispenser Electric150.000
Air Mineral Galon Refill25.000
Tiket Shutle Car10.000
Tiket Masuk30.000
Parkir Mobil10.000
Parkir Motor5.000


Akses menuju lokasi Camp Hulu Cai Bogor dapat ditempuh dari exit Tol Jagorawi, Cipambuan, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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  • @Rizky HT: Such a refreshing beautiful place. Though activities were limited, you'll enjoy the view of the mountains, flower gardens, sunsets and a lot more in there. Plus the tent is not very expensive for 4 persons. It was comfortable enough to sleep in. And the staff are just accommodating. Highly recommended.
  • @Ayah RafisqyVery nice getaway, easy to reach premises. Many activites can be held such as flying fox, mini rafting, jungle tracking. Highly recommended place.
  • @Tatan Tasori A nice mountainous place to have family and company outbond with double views of Mt. Salak and Mt. Pangrango. Despite its several spooky spots at night 🙂
  • @Kurniawan Wawan Pros : good place, nice outbound, has amphitheatre, pool, flying fox, etcCons : bumpy and narrow road, poor telephone signal, no WiFi Overall its a nice experience
  • @Fitri AmaliaMy second experience and THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME AMAZE ! Room is good, but i suggest to stay around of lobby area. Coz signal is better in there. Food ? They always deliver more than expected ! Low price high quality ❤️❤️❤️ I think 5 starts less for rate this place. Comfortable and perfect for hiatus ❤️
  • @Ady Mulyana such a great place to had a relax time and joy with nature, loves the undulating landscape
  • @Imas S Raharja In my opinion, this place more beautiful than Taman Bunga Nusantara. Smaller, cheaper, but with complete flowers nursery and oranges plantation. Outbond facility with clean rest room, also beautiful cottage and swimming pool.... many rare species of flowers grows here...
  • @Mohammad Hasanudin Nice Staff, fresh air, flower garden, wide area, swimming pool and many more...a complete place for holiday, suitable for children, will come back someday 😍😍😍
  • @Ifan A Good all viewGood facilitasGood breakfastSo far nice for all
  • @Mega Hartini Friendly staff and beautiful scenery
  • @Wahyu Silalahi Come here on Friday, you will get an private trip 😂❤️
  • @Andina Dian WulansariThe place has great view and sceenery. The location is not that far from Jakarta and from the Ciawi exit toll way. Good place for group activities. They have dorm like lodgings for 15+ or 20+ people. My company use the place to have our team building activities.
  • @Nahrowi Jaya Nice view, good place for outbound, fresh air. This place is located at Bogor, not too far from Ciawi toll gate. We can enjoy the good view from this place and to stay for a few days is very interesting, with our family or business colleagues. Also we can conducting the outbound activity in this place, many good spot for team building games. The price offered is worth it with the stay experience. Good pool and good small mosque. A large parking area and available shuttle car from bus parking area.
  • @Laila Tantri Nice place for family or group gathering with guided outbond activities. There is a lot of green fields and play ground area, children friendly, but still needs parents attention for safety reason. The complex has hilly terrain, natural atmosphere resort, nice and neat rooms to stay.
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